Why company executives are taking a walk

Think Executive Coaching, think stuffy office, boardroom or a therapist or coach sitting on a leather couch. Like many cringe-worthy cliches, it's an image that smacks of more than a modicum of truth.

But that’s exactly what Walking Coach has set out to change. 

And why not?

At last, public awareness about the benefits of walking seems to have taken off.

Much of this is driven by understandable concerns over our health.

Apparently, we spend more time sitting on our bums nowadays than we do sleeping. The sedentary life of the average office worker is gradually killing us.

In a recent TED talk, Nifoler Merchant made a compelling case for walking meetings. They make business life healthier, more creative, more sociable, more sustainable. Take a look below.

More than just exercise, walking is a philosophical, spiritual and creative activity, which has played a central role in the work of thinkers, artists and writers throughout history. Henry Thoreau, Goethe, Wordsworth and Whitman, Henry James, Thomas Mann, Thomas Wolfe, Gretel Ehrlich and Iain Sinclair are among the countless authors who talked of walking as their favourite source of creative inspiration. 

Charities, Living Streets and Mind have been campaigning hard for several years to raise our awareness about the benefits of walking for mental health. Walking even has its own awareness day: in UK, May is 'National Walking Month' .

In his book The Philosophy of Walking, Frederic Gros extols the activity of walking and slowing down as necessary in this era of speed, efficiency and consumption. I couldn’t agree more.

The idea of getting off the couch and going outside to connect with nature has been reinforced even further by Richard Louv in The Nature Principle, where he writes:

"The future will belong to the nature-smart—those individuals, families, businesses, and political leaders who develop a deeper understanding of the transformative power of the natural world and who balance the virtual with the real. The more high-tech we become, the more nature we need.”

Ever since Walking Coach began, I have witnessed within myself and in my clients the numerous benefits offered by walking combined with coaching in natural spaces.

Invariably, people know they need more exercise and welcome the opportunity to embrace walking as part of the coaching process. While the outdoor sessions are as structured and planned as they would be indoors, we usually find that once you’ve escaped from the familiar work environment with its interruptions and associations, and entered a more nurturing, natural realm, the mind becomes free to function far more creatively and effectively than would otherwise be the case.

Even better, by adopting a regular walking practice over time you’ll get to experience even greater payback: expanded awareness, sharper cognition, renewed balance, pro-social connection and increased presence. All of which are key to more effective functioning - and joy - across all aspects of life!

So I encourage everyone to put on your walking boots and take your professional and personal development into the open air where you, your coach and the natural environment may co-create for great results!


In praise of the solo walk


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