Welcome to ‘Walk Your Way’ 

Glad to have you with us!

Over the next six weeks, I am going to share with you a weekly series of walking practices designed to help you fully embody your own purpose, authenticity and presence.

Introductory Guide

To start you off, have a listen to this audio recording where I introduce you to the ‘Why?’ of creating a walking practice for yourself, and where I also share some of the theory foundations for the work I do in Walking Coach®.

You can find a fuller transcript here in the downloadable PDF Guide, which also contains a heads-up on the upcoming weekly walk practices, as well as some tips that you may find useful as you get started.

I’m also delighted to introduce you to your first walk practice: The Grounding Walk.

About The Grounding Walk

The purpose behind this walk is to ‘collect’ yourself so you can come to your centre. This can be really helpful, particularly at times when we’re feeling stuck in our life, or when we get distracted by the kinds of thoughts and beliefs that keep us trapped in our heads and that take us away from our whole being, including our body.

Our brains love a good churn and the last thing they want is for us to break that churn, and so if you are an habitual thought-churner you’ll know how exhausting that can be. At times like these, you can take it as a signal from your body to direct your focus as far away from that churning brain as you can, so that you can use it more constructively.

The Grounding Walk is designed to take all that excess energy from your head and re-distribute it towards your centre, then downward into the lower regions of your body to bring you into connection with the earth.

This walk practice is one of my go-to walks when I simply want to walk, centre and connect. So, it’s great as a stand-alone, and it’s also useful as a prequel to any other walk practice.

Consider taking this walk for between 30 and 45 minutes and aim to take it at a very easy pace.


Listen to The Grounding Walk practice

And for your post-walk reflections, here’s a handy structure to guide and note down your thoughts.