Walk Your Way: The Purpose Walk 

Welcome to Walk Your Way - Week Four.

If you’ve managed to follow a walking practice most days over the last 3 weeks, you should by now be getting a sense of what it’s like to be living a more present, authentic and embodied life.  A way of being if you like that brings you in closer connection with who you are, in mind and body, and that allows you to become the best friend to yourself that anyone can have.

This week, I’m pleased to welcome you to The Purpose Walk.


If you’ve ever found yourself feeling jaded with life, stuck in the ‘not knowing’ of what direction to take next, perhaps feeling overwhelmed and lacking a certain amount of joy and zest, it’s often because you’ve lost sight of your purpose.

When this happens, it’s possible that over time, your decisions and actions have become mostly driven either by demands of the outside world, or by lingering beliefs about yourself or the world that no longer serve you.

And it can also mean that your purpose has changed. It’s just that you didn’t notice.

Purpose changes over time as we do. And at the same time, it’s easy to fall out of sync with what feels meaningful, important and true for you.

Walking is a brilliant metaphor for this. Imagine walking aimlessly in a certain direction and moving along, turning this way or that, according to the whims of others. Or imagine you set off with a destination in mind but didn’t bother to check your map.

In the Purpose walk you will update your whole Self with what is important and meaningful in your life today and you’ll connect with it through your body. You’ll take it into your body consciousness, so that over time you can develop a level of awareness within your Self, that needs less and conscious effort to summon up, and that will have you moving more intuitively in the flow of what you really care about.


Listen to The Purpose Walk practice

And for your post-walk reflections, here’s a handy structure to guide and note down your thoughts.